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Saturday 18 July 2020

How To TrackSSL Expiration with mSend

  • July 18, 2020
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How To TrackSSL Expiration with mSend

Welcome to TrackSSL!

TrackSSL is a script to monitor SSL . it allow you to send email notification when your SSL is about to expire. it will remind you to renew your ssl on time.

Getting Start

enter image description here

It will help you to monitor bulk domain’s ssl. it required internet access to fetch certificate details .

Prerequisite :


sudo curl -sL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarryTheDevOpsGuy/ssl-cert-check/master/ssl-cert-check' -o /usr/bin/trackssl
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/trackssl


trackssl -h

Usage: /usr/bin/trackssl [ -e email address ] [-E sender email address] [ -x days ] [-q] [-a] [-b] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-N] [-v]
       { [ -s common_name ] && [ -p port] } || { [ -f cert_file ] } || { [ -c cert file ] } || { [ -d cert dir ] }

  -a                : Send a warning message through E-mail
  -b                : Will not print header
  -c cert file      : Print the expiration date for the PEM or PKCS12 formatted certificate in cert file
  -d cert directory : Print the expiration date for the PEM or PKCS12 formatted certificates in cert directory
  -e E-mail address : E-mail address to send expiration notices
  -E E-mail sender  : E-mail address of the sender
  -f cert file      : File with a list of FQDNs and ports
  -h                : Print this screen
  -i                : Print the issuer of the certificate
  -k password       : PKCS12 file password
  -n                : Run as a Nagios plugin
  -N                : Run as a Nagios plugin and output one line summary (implies -n, requires -f or -d)
  -p port           : Port to connect to (interactive mode)
  -q                : Don\'t print anything on the console
  -s commmon name   : Server to connect to (interactive mode)
  -S                : Print validation information
  -t type           : Specify the certificate type
  -V                : Print version information
  -x days           : Certificate expiration interval (eg. if cert_date < days)

Check your SSL Expiry Date

trackssl -s google.com -p 443

Send email notification if ssl expiry date less than 60 days.

trackssl -s google.com -p 443 -aq -x 60 -e yourmail@domain.com
  • It will trigger email if SSL expiry less then 60 days

Bulk Domain check and send email notification.

Create a file domain.txt and paste below domain list in this file.

google.com 443
facebook.com 443
yahoo.com 443
flipkart.com 443
trackssl -f domain.txt -aq -x 40 -e youremail@domain.com
  • it will send email notification if any domains expiry date less than 40 days from list.

Configure Cronjobs To Get email alert daily or weekly.

You can schedule cronjob according to your choice. Here is few example for you. you can use any of one.

# Schedule cron every monday and thursday at 9:00 am
0 9 * * 1,4 /usr/bin/trackssl -f /opt/domain.txt -aq -x 40 -e youremail@domain.com

# Schedule cron weekly
@weekly /usr/bin/trackssl -f /opt/domain.txt -aq -x 40 -e youremail@domain.com

# Schedule cron Daily 
@daily /usr/bin/trackssl -f /opt/domain.txt -aq -x 40 -e youremail@domain.com

Want to monitor SSL Free of cost?

you can add your domain to monitor in free of cost - https://harry-thedevopsguy.blogspot.com/p/trackssl-monitor-your-website-ssl-free.html you can add your domain to Monitor SSL Free of cost with mCert
Getting Start from here --> mCert - TrackSSL Smartly

Thanks for Visiting This Page. I am Harry, I am working as DevOps Engineer since 2015, I like to automate linux stuffs,cloud automation. and my hobby is learning Latest Technologies and Latest DevOps Tools.


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