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Professional DevOps Engineer Professional Infra Developer infrastructure Desiginer DevOps consultant

Saturday 23 February 2019


  • February 23, 2019
  • by

Getting Start

Step - 1 Installation

sudo curl -L "https://github.com/harry41/mSend/raw/v0.2.6/msend" -o /usr/bin/msend
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/msend
msend -h
Alt text
Step - 2 : Generate SMTP Auth Token
mSend uses your gmail smtp login credentials to sent email. so you need to generate your smtp auth token by executing below command.
./msend --get-smtp-auth
Output :
  Please Enter Valid Credentials  
  Enter Your Gmail ID : your_email@gmail.com
  Enter Your Gmail PASSWORD : secret@password
  Enter Email Sender Name : Harry

  Your SMTP AUTH TOKEN has been Saved in  ~/.mSend/msend.conf
Step - 3 : Enable Less Secure Application
  1. Go to your Google Account
  2. On the left navigation panel, click Security.
  3. On the bottom of the page, in the Less secure app access panel, click Turn on access.
Step - 4 : Send test email.
You can create your own html templates. send your email by executing below commmand. Here we have created a html email template for you ~/.mSend/email_template.html
msend -t your_email@domain.com -s "mSend Has been Installed" -f ~/.mSend/email_template.html -a /var/log/nginx/error.log


How To Configure SMTP credentials in mSend ?

Follow below step to configure SMTP
  1. Go To ~/.mSend Directory.
  2. Open msend.conf file in your text editor.
  3. Update variables value according to your details.
  4. Done.
Here is sample msend.conf
# Replace below variables and uncomment according to your credentials and details.

# EMAIL_SENDER_LIST=("your_smtp_auth_token" "your_smtp_auth_token2")
  1. You can add multiple smtp credentials in EMAIL_SENDER_LIST variable.
  2. REPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS is very important recipient will reply on this email id.

How To update mSend ?

No Need to worry about updatation. it will update automatically every 30 days. also you can update anytime if it is required.
Run below command to Update
msend --update

Thanks for Visiting This Page. I am Harry, I am working as DevOps Engineer since 2015, I like to automate linux stuffs,cloud automation. and my hobby is learning Latest Technologies and Latest DevOps Tools.


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